Saturday, January 30, 2010

I saw this "H" on a Cavern wall.
It was placed there by Natives of lore.
10,000 years ago or before.
The "H" on the wall is forever small.

Ranger Larry told me a story inconceivable.
The "H" on the wall is handholding lovers.
Her hand in his ... forever joined rovers.
The "H" on the wall is love unbelievable.

I was hoping the "H" was for Hopi.
Natives who lived in these gorgeous cliffs.
Not to be...only contents of myths.
The "H" best gives hope for me.

Seeing the "H" near a small pit of fire.
The couple infused love to my inner core.
Made me happier than many months afore.
Now, their joy shared with friends as I desire.

The "H" stands for the happiness of the Hopi two.
A pair with lessons especially for you.

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